Secrets of compatibility
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What is it that keeps some couples excited about each other for years, while others find they fizzle out after an initial explosive passion? Being truly compatible is the key.Compatible couples are committed to the idea of being in a long-term relationship. Spontaneous caring gestures -taking a turn with the cooking, bringing home little presents, sharing work worries - are commonplace among such couples, reflecting the fact that they are always looking out for the other and will put the relationship first. Another illustration of these couples' commitment is their ability to negotiate and compromise.
Truly compatible couples never lose sight of the importance of the relationship, no matter what else is going on in their lives. The relationship is never far from their thoughts. When they're separated during the day for work, they'll always take a few minutes out to speak to each other.
They may be ageing, but a compatible couple have found ways to make sure their relationship doesn't. Even when major life changes occur, like having children, they don't forget the fact that they're still a couple in their own right. They keep the relationship a priority by putting some time aside to concentrate on each other. The relationship stays young because of the effort stills being put into it, just as in the exciting early days of being together. These couples don't procrastinate and they never take their partner for granted. All these things keep that youthful newness in a relationship.
Compatible couples never lose sight of the importance of having fun or joking together. Laughing frequently together is an essential ingredient for couple happiness. In particular, being able to laugh together during sex is an indication of a couple who are relaxed and happy enough with each other to find true passion and sexual satisfaction.
Compatible couples do show their physical appreciation of each other on a regular basis -hugs, a peck on the cheek are all typical non-verbal ways of showing their love for each other.For compatible couples, being tactile and demonstrative with each other is second nature. As we get older and we've been together longer, physical closeness often becomes more important than sexual intimacy.However, a great sexual relationship does tend to be the major bonus for truly compatible couples, because the five key elements will inevitably improve their love life.Because compatible couples have created such balanced relationships, they are much more able to withstand changes and pressures on their sex life than others. Their relationship can adjust appropriately and won't be shaken. Less compatible couples might find such situations lead to infidelity - or they may even split up under the strain.
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